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Work Space

You might be wondering how I'm faring doing the 9-5 job nowadays.

You might not!

Regardless: I'm going to provide a sneak peek of my work space and reveal to you how you can have a serene, positive work environment for yourself as well.

1. Stay hydrated throughout the day.  I prefer water bottles with straws, and it's important to choose one with enough heft to keep Post-Its sticking to your desk top.  Also consider having a little mirror and tweezers at the ready for when those moments of Thoughtful Chin Stroking reveals an annoying stray hair that must be plucked immediately.

2. Good lighting is also important.  It reduces stress on the eyes.  I recommend using one that barely survived a cross country move, where the bulb just sort of leans inside the lamp.  It gives the area a light, casual feel.  Also be sure to keep an old, empty coffee mug at the ready.  You never know when you might need to lift it to your lips, only to realize that it is empty.

3.  Good pet company lends the office environment a homey texture.  Your cat squeezing happily in a tiny box will bring a much needed smile during your day toiling away at the computer.

4. Oh, so much to talk about in this picture.  First, you gotta choose a fun printed tablecloth, perhaps the little used Easter themed one that you barely used throughout the years.  That way, you can find satisfaction that such a gift is being used each and every day as the foundation for your work space.

Additionally, keep a bar of unsweetened chocolate nearby for those moments needing chocolate.  Try not to dwell on the fact that you gave up sugar over a month ago and your soul continually screams out for truth and happiness.  Also another reason to keep a water bottle nearby.

Your daughter's discarded sock brings a nice, matching element to the office decor, as well as the old gold tea bag, a spool of brown thread, and your dolly from a billion years ago.  Nothing says FOCUS like random, cluttered stuff.

5.  Sweet mama, don't forget your tissues, your planner, the cross stitch from your sister-friend telling you to stop freaking out AND a small bag full of little cords to charge electronic devices that you do not have.  Tissues are absolutely essential for your ever present and random allergies.  The planner is spunky, fun, and also matches that table cloth.  The cross stitch?  A nice reminder when you sweat the small stuff (btw, tissues are also great at mopping up sweat).  And of course you never know when or where a new electronic device will appear in need of charging.  Like the Girl Scout you were: always be prepared.  Care not re: appropriation of the motto.  It works.

You also might want to keep a large, 3 foot level nearby just in case.  JUST IN CASE.

But seriously, whatever you do...
don't forget the cat.


  1. Only thing I saw in one of the pictures was little old Molly dolly . Made me go awwwww

  2. Me too.... She was buried in some stuffies for G, so I dug her out. She keeps me company these days. :)


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