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Are You There, Winter? It's Me, Lori

Dear Mother Nature,

What is up with the weather?  I just talked to a friend in Colorado and I've seen northern Wisconsin on my sister's Marco Polo's and I can look out my own window.

Where is the snow?

I'm not a big fan of winter as I'm a perpetual popsicle.  No one uses me as a barometer for the temperature of the room.  My mom often asks, "Isn't it warm in here?  Let's open a door..." Meanwhile I'm dressed in three layers and laying under a blanket, sipping a hot decaf while shivering.

That being said, if I'm going to have winter I want Winter.  It's been spring-like for weeks now and then it just dropped into the teens.  Zero white stuff.  There is something wrong with bracing winds and talking about how the air hurts your face surrounded by brown grass and shriveled leaves.  If I am going to be cold I want to see some of that winter beauty before me.  Despite the need to bring out my snow blower, I want to see snowflakes.  I want to see the morning sunshine dance on freshly fallen snow.  I want my husband and child go out and ice skate on our lake.  I want to make them hot cocoa with marshmallows when they come back in.  I want to see my two dogs frolic in mounds of white stuff like they were crazed puppies.  I want to light the fire in my fireplace in the evenings to help warm up the living room while we cuddle on the couch and watch some Netflix.

The lack of white stuff sort of takes the wind out of the sails.  I'm still cozy as I type this under a soft blanket Dave got me for my birthday.  I still welcome the dogs snuggles as I steal their body heat like a thermovampire.  I still savor my hot cups of decaf in the morning and enjoy the spectacular sunrises over the lake.

But I miss snow.  It doesn't feel like winter; it feel like a really sucky, prolonged spring.

So if we are going to have cold, weather, can we at least make it pretty?

Thanks for listening!

Your friend,


  1. I remember feeling that way! Florida definitely gives a different season vibe than up north. I'll ask for snow for you while I keep asking for 75 and sunny here ❤️


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