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Spring: Mysterious Goddess or Sadistic Jerk

And she isn't like what we all expected, right?  Right.  It was very much like the tide this "spring", with winter coming and going and leaving little crocuses in its wake.  

The other day, last Friday in fact, I was feeling like Spring is the equivalent of a fickle friend, a mysterious Springtime Goddess.  Always at least 20 minutes late to everything and just when you are about to gather your stuff to leave, She sweeps in like a slow motion capture of a supermodel, Her hair catching the breeze at just the right moment that makes you wonder where the wind is coming from before your breath is taken away by the sparkle in Her eye, that skin that makes you use alabaster in a sentence which you never do, and the chic outfit perfectly made for Her body.  AND She calls out Darling and you smile brightly, the annoyance forgotten in the glowing presence of your bestie, Springtime Herself.  You sit for brunch and gossip and catch up over mimosas, coffees, and beniets and before you were even done with your 2nd mimosa She's standing and throwing cash down for the bill, apologizing for leaving so soon, She just SO BUSY.  And She's gone.

That's how I felt at 5 last Friday.  I was on my couch, using a pashmina as a head scarf and a down blanket to keep warm, despite lovely, dance-like-no-one-is-watching, glorious springtime weather during the day.

She may be charming as hell, but She damn well better be hanging out today OR I WILL GROUSE. 

70's weather: I see you like biscuits and gravy on a brunch menu.  AND I WILL HAVE YOU TODAY.

Not literally, of course because: carbs.  


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