I've decided to do a day in the life today.
Personally, some of my most favorite blog posts of other authors are the day in the life posts. Find it interesting to take a peek in someone else's life, see how they run things. Again, I'm not promising that this is going to be riveting or anything but it does help me pass the day.
240 a.m. : the puppy is letting me know that it is time to go outside. One does not argue with an almost 3 month old puppy in terms of whether or not she thinks she needs to go out. She thinks she needs to go out, you go out. We go out. She poops and pees. There was much rejoicing. Back to bed.
330 a.m.: can't get to sleep. Start my White Noise app with rain on a window. It is soothing.
530 a.m.: puppy is ready to get up. I am not. I try to encourage her to go back to sleep by trying to rub her belly, but she just instead thinks I'm playing and starts gnawing on my hand.
635 a.m.: after frenzied feeding and taking out garbage and making coffee, the house is quiet. The puppy is sleeping next to me on the couch, moose is at my feet, and the cat's sleeping in his cat tree. Gracie is miraculously not up yet. Husband will be down shortly.
I've been taking the opportunity to think of things to write about and catching up on Facebook and email.
638 a.m.: Daisy is awake.
649 a.m.: G is up and so we all are awake now. Gracie settles in for a little bit of Moana and the puppies play on the floor.
707: puppy potty break, and then back inside to make pancakes. Wash hands first!
737 a.m.: still making pancakes, just sent G up to her room to get ready for kids camp. Breakfast upon completion.
Daily Commute 2! In which we discuss her not being on camera, have long silences, and a pretty decent exchange close to the end of our journey.
I'm sorry that I keep making you go to YouTube, but my videos are too big. (her her) I've attempted to embed here via YouTube. If that doesn't work, here is the link.
855 a.m.: get home from dropping off G, make sure the puppy goes to bathroom outside. Decide to take a couple minutes and continue the chemical warfare on my front Garden.
9 a.m.: sit down to try to hammer out my Amazon Fresh order and get four of G's thank you notes in the mail.
910 a.m.: discover that there are no more delivery times available today. Delete cart and plan on making a stop at Kwik Trip sometime Today. Make note that the cat is out of food too. And I need to get different Moose food as the kind I got makes him hoark.
930 a.m.: cards are in the mail, brought in the garbage cans to the side of the house so the nastiness that is living inside of it can burn away and die. Today is fridge, microwave, oven day. I skipped mopping day and vacuuming day the last couple of days because Husband having meetings all day and then having a friend over yesterday. So I just spot mop the floors. I'll probably get to the vacuuming sometime this weekend. But today? Oven. I'm about to sit down and research how to make this squeaky clean...
1010 a.m.: Dang. Not bad for baking soda and elbow grease.
1032 a.m.: microwave and oven are pretty much done. Cold cup of coffee? Don't Mind If I Do.
It's almost 11 and I have to get G and I already have a HUGE post... More tonight, hopefully!
1051 a.m. PUBLISH.
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