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Showing posts from March, 2019


When you are in the moment, it is hard to imagine anything more heart wrenching than holding your child when she cries about being bullied.  What is more heart wrenching?  Knowing it is your fault. I've gone through life with my fair share of bullies.  Sometimes it was because I was flat out weird.  But most of the time it was my size.   Even when I wasn't even heavy, I considered myself fat and some of my peers agreed.  They agreed so vehemently that they decided to remind me of my size, especially during gym class.  Later in life, in my 30's, I was actually mooed at.  Seriously.  And it sucked being made fun of because of my looks. However.  One of the glorious parts of being 41 is that you just don't give a shart about what people think of you anymore.  Yes, I'm fat.  I have blue eyes, brown (going silver!) hair, and I am medically defined as being morbidly obese.  I try to remedy that diagnosis because...

One Month

It's been almost a month since I've last written on here.  Not sure if anyone has missed me, but then I approach this whole blog thing with the mindset of "write like nobody is reading".  Right?  Right!  Onward to the update! Things I've been up to: I've written two picture books and will submit one to a contest! I'm on another rewrite of my middle grade novel! I'm working with a friend to get business cards and a nifty logo for being an author! I'm working with my brother-in-law for illustrations for the book! I've solicited a temp agency for work because I'm not getting paid to write! I've gotten diddlysquat from the temp agency! I just applied to a job!  Operations Coordinator.   Why would I apply for a job?  Especially Operations Coordinator? Because I probably should get out of the house more often. The money would be cool to have. But I'll miss Grace. So about that.  My husband made an excellent analogy awhil...