So I'm still fatigued, suffering from seasonal allergies (with one sinus stubbornly plugged). Isn't this what the Whole30 was supposed to cure? Yes... and no. After 25 days of being on plan, I honestly feel no different than when I started. I've lost a few pounds (down 50 now!), but I sleep the same. I have the same amount of energy. I still have adult acne. My body still aches. The one thing that this exercise has taught me is that food is not the source of all my problems. It is the source of one problem: my weight. That's about it. Then why am I going to continue roughly following it? I say roughly in that I am going to eat normal sausages and bacon instead of the billion dollars per pound the sugar less stuff costs. I will use ketchup. I will switch to normal butter instead of clarified butter. Buy my mayo instead of trying (and failing) to make it myself. And I will have one day off plan per week so I...