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Showing posts from December, 2018

How To Switch Careers

Here is a run down of how to switch your careers, and I'll tell you this: if you follow my easy to follow plan, nothing will stand in your way! Think about what you'd like to be when you grow up.   Ballerina?  High powered executive?  World famous author?  Write it down.  Think about your options. Slow your roll, reader.  Go back to that list and cross of ballerina, high powered executive, and world famous author.  Be realistic about your dreams.  If you are 41 years old with zero dance experience, the chances of you making a living as a ballerina is exactly zilch.  Zippo.  Ain't happening.  And while becoming a high powered exec is within the realm of possibility, it isn't within the realm of probability.  Same for becoming the next J.K. Rowling.  Narrow your field and make it reasonable.   Make a plan.   Take some dance classes but keep your day job.  Be more ambitious at work and claw your way...

Wreck It Ralph is my guru

And also: sugar is the devil.  Let's start from the beginning.  This being brain sick is for the birds.  Do birds cry?  Didn't Prince make a song about dove's crying ?   When they cry, do they like REALLY cry, with tears and boogers coming out of their nose holes? <off to the Google> Well how about that!  They do have tear ducts!   But they do not cry.  Not like what I do on my bad days. The good news is that I had five really lovely normal days of living.  No crying, no self loathing, no gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair.  NO DRAMA.  It was wonderful.  I spent time with G and it was... almost easy to be alive.  Sure, I had my responsibilities and normal frustrations, but my reactions to such minor hardships were in proportion to said hardship.  Like on Saturday, we did Christmas cookies.  I accidentally doubled a recipe and almost lost it... but I didn't!  I was stressed and mildly ov...