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Showing posts from May, 2018

No Longer Temporary

Chateau del Mulsoff (CDM) is pleased to announce a vacancy in our ranks.  As of June 11, The Mrs. will no longer be a temporary housewife.  Finally, after over a year of searching for full time, permanent work, we're happy to announce she has accepted a job with a local company to help out with their environmental compliance. We at CDM are excited for the opportunity to get Lori the heck out of the basement, where she's perpetually cold, rarely exchanges her pajamas for normal clothing, and wears glasses with only one lens.  You may have some burning questions, so CDM put together a F.A.Q. to meet your burning needs, so stop with all the burning.  There is a cream for that. 1. Where is she going? We will not be relocating, but she will have a 30 minute commute. 2. What exactly will she be doing? The details will become more clear, but as of right now we understand she will be the holder of the key of power for the universe, and has been going through a se...

Haiku Spectacle

It'd be spectacles... But I has only one lens. Yay!  I am 40!

Navigating the Dark Side

So the good news is that I do not suffer from any sort of openly tragic illness.  I do not have cancer or rare heart birth defect that requires constant medical attention.  No.  When I get seriously ill from what could potentially be a terminal situation, no meal trains are set up.  People don't show up at the door with flowers or offers to take G for the day to let us process what's happening to me. It's one of the many things that people are afraid to talk about, so it doesn't get addressed, so loved ones are either kept in the dark or pushed so far away with a "I'm fine, don't worry, we've got this."  So it isn't really the loved and concerned ones fault for not knowing what to do in such delicate situations.  Such things can be miscarriages.  Perpetual infertility.  Obesity (which, actually, I do obviously suffer from that, but one can successfully argue that meal trains are hardly the soothing support I need on that end...). And then...